So, you’re excited to finally get your CDL A and start an exciting career in commercial driving. You’re going to make great money and see the country while driving something few ever get the privilege to get inside of. There’s just one thing standing in your way after months of training. You have to take your CDL A test.
This can be an overwhelming period for many. It’s not just a test. It’s the start of a whole new career and a fulfilling life. No matter how much you trained or how amazing your school was, you’re going to feel a little nervous.
To help you get past that and start an amazing career, we’ve put together 7 tips and tricks on how to prepare for your CDL A test that will ease your nerves, reinforce what you’ve learned, and most importantly, get you licensed and on the road.
Let’s get started.
1. Extracurricular Study
This is just like when you were in high school. Yes, you study a lot throughout any good CDL course, but to make sure you retain that information, you need to take time out of your schedule to study on your own.
Take notes during the course, go over them when you get home, and refresh yourself on the information you’ve learned. You can also go online to learn more about the CDL A course and use that to refresh your memory or pick up on things you might have missed. Just make sure that any third-party resources are from official sources. You don’t want to learn from people who don’t know what they’re talking about or are providing information that will not be on the exam.

2. Take Practice CDL A Tests
Studying is a great way to put your mind at ease and reinforce the idea that you’re ready. However, getting experience with the test itself ahead of time is even better.
You can’t find the exact CDL A test online and take it or learn all the answers as they are on the test. However, you can find lots of example tests that can be taken online.
While these are never 1:1 representations of the real test, they typically contain many of the same questions, and they function the same way.
This does two things.
First, it makes you more comfortable with the test. You have an idea of what to expect, and that makes it a lot easier to handle than going into the test with no idea what to expect.
However, it also gives you a good point of reference for how well you’ll perform in different areas. Because the test is a good representation of the real thing, you can see where you’re missing answers the most, where you’re doing really well, etc. This allows you to tailor your studying efforts, including focusing on areas covered in CDL entry level driver training, to strengthen your specific weaknesses before you take the test. You’ll save time, build more confidence, and ultimately, be more prepared.
3. Understand Your State’s Requirements
Another key bit of information to ensure you focus on is the specific regulations of your state. Every state has different rules, and while your CDL school likely did an amazing job throughout your training course, there might be slight differences you need to know about if you took the course in a state different than the one you’re going for your CDL A in. Even if you did take the course in the state you’re testing in, it’s a good idea to ensure you know all state CDL A requirements to focus your studying on the things that count.
4. Tailor Your Study Habits to Your Needs
Everyone learns and retains information differently. If you’re studying for your CDL A test course, but you don’t feel like you’re truly grasping the full extent of each concept being presented in the material, you need to change your approach.
There are many different study techniques that you can use, and we can’t possibly go over each one in detail. However, here are the basic things to consider.
First, consider the timing of your study sessions. Don’t try to study during a time when you know your kids just got home from school and are full of energy, or you just got off work and aren’t mentally ready to rack your brain. Find a time when you’re alert and free of distractions.
Then, identify the type of learner you are. Do you prefer to read, watch videos that illustrate the lessons being taught, or listen to information? Whichever way suits your unique way of learning should be at the core of your study technique.
If you want more details, looking up the same study techniques taught to college students and other people in similar situations can be very helpful.
5. Physically Prepare the Days Before the Test
As you get closer to your testing day, keep your health in mind. The night before, you should get a good night’s sleep regardless of what’s going on. You’ll need it to be at the top of your game the following day. Remember, following a CDL exam prep course can also provide the structure and support you need to be fully prepared.
During the days leading up to the test, and on testing day, make sure you eat healthily and fill yourself up at the same time. What you eat has a big impact on the amount of energy you have, your focus, and your ability to think. It’s not as easy as just eating a good breakfast, either. You need to spend a few days eating healthy foods.
Finally, get some exercise. Exercise isn’t just great for the body. It also boosts energy levels, mood, and your focus.
6. Clear Your Mind
The night before your test is going to be stressful. Take your time and clear your mind. This will help you get a good night’s sleep, and if you maintain that clear mind throughout the test, you’ll perform better. If there are any distractions going on in your life, put them on hold. Our step-by-step guide to obtaining your CDL A can also help you focus and feel more prepared.
7. Stay Focused During the Test
Finally, when you sit down to take your CDL A test, do it with confidence, and focus solely on the test. For the next hour, the test is the only thing you need to think about. Your career depends on it.
Start Your CDL Journey with East USA Trucking!
Of course, you have to get to the test before you can take it, and that means you need training. For the best training in the eastern USA, apply for a CDL A course with East USA Trucking today. We offer CDL entry level driver training, CDL A test course, CDL A practice course, CDL A refresher course, CDL restriction removal course, as well as CDL exam prep course. This comprehensive range of offerings makes us the best stop for getting all the necessary education to obtain your CDL A. Start your journey with us now and get on the road to success!